India and World After Covid19

"Before the coronavirus crisis hit, I was toying with writing a book about 21st-century political parties, but in light of this global epidemic, it’s obvious that whatever nonfiction book you’re working on now, put it down. There is the world B.C. — Before Corona — and the world A.C. — After Corona. We have not even begun to fully grasp what the A.C. world will look like, but here are some trends I’m watching."

Thomas Friedman, Three-time Pulitzer Prize winner

In the world before Corona (B.C) and under the spell of globalization, the self- reliant model of North Korea was painted as the Pariah state and After Corona (A.C) world, Self Reliant becomes a new mantra. In B.C. we went to the office for the meeting, In A.C. we meet on zoom app. In B.C. while drinking morning tea, most of us used to worry about the traffic in rush hours but in A.C, we worry about Internet speed more than traffic. 

In B.C. Fashion brands provide matching tie and winter scarf with the Shirt, A.C. they are providing matching colour facemask with the Shirt. In B.C One can find Ganga water bottle in Most of Hindu households. In A.C Sanitizer bottle becomes as ubiquitous as Ganga Water bottle.

In the Before Corona world, the following things were unimaginable but Covid19 turned it into reality. Wheel of the Indian railways which transport the 8 billion people (More than world's total population!) Annually came to standstill. Due to high demand and the global importance Oil is called the Black gold but In April, US crude oil UTI price fell below to zero dollars. The Spanish beach remains empty this summer. Japan Postponed the Olympics 2020. For the first time in the history of the United Nations, UN General Assembly meeting has been called off.

The Above examples show the visible changes that covid19 made on our world but Covid19 altered our world from very deep level. In Bhagawat Gita, Sri Krishna talked about two worlds. One is the world within us that is known as Soul ( Dehi). Another is the World made by the interaction of our Soul and body ( Dehi and Deha) with each other's soul and Body. Language is the Medium which makes possible our inner world's interaction with the outer world. We write, read, socialise and what not by the language! In Other words, Language is a life! How Covid19 impacts on our language is the best way to gauge the Covid19 impact on the world.

Suresh, A 55 year old Gujarati speaking Indian man never came across the English words like Quarantine, Lockdown, N95 mask, Herd Immunity etc. in his 55 year long life. Sachin, A four year old grandson of Suresh yet not speaks fluently the Alphabets A to Z but he can speak complex words like Quarantine and Sanitizer. Covid19 introduced these words to the language of the both Kid and his 55 year old grandfather at same time. This is not just the story of Suresh and Sachin but Covid19 brought change in the language of Jack, Moshe, Sofia, Wei, Robert, Patricia and other billions.

Covid19 not just brought change in our language but also changed our body language. Handshake is a way to greet in Russia and touching nose to each other is a way to greet in New Zealand. But the Coivd19 forced the people across the world to change the ways to greet. Indian way of greeting Namaste (Join Hand and Bow head) Becoming famous across the world. Israel PM Netanyahu made a public appeal to the citizens of the Israel to embrace to Namaste. New Methods of the Greeting are being introduced. The WHO’s director-general preferred greeting, "Hand over Heart". Video of the "Wuhan shake" also went viral. In Wuhan shake, Chinese citizen tap foot toe of each other. This move adopted by delegates at a OPEC summit.

A proverb "Work is worship" which tells us that work is the real worship and not worshiping for hours in the temple. But in chapter 3 of the Bhagavat Gita, God himself teaches us the importance of work. Krishna says - "Arjuna, even when you do nothing, you still act. By simply withdrawing from society, you do not get freedom." This is the importance of Karma, Work in our life. Coiv19 brings revolutionary changes in our work, work culture and work style.

In the B.C. era, Work from home (WFH) was considered as a luxury but in Covid19's world, it's become the matter of survival. Servicing sector adopted the WFT as the new norm. Twitter CEO announced that Employees Can Work From Home Forever. 

In the A.C era, Telecommunication likely replaced business trips. Cubical unlikely to survive the attack of the corona virus. Privacy booths and Community workplace are the new ideas which are replacing the cubicle work culture. In the Industrial sector, staggered work hours and lunch time becomes norms. In most offices and plants, we encountered the thermal camera before the biometric attendance machines. Farmers also recognised that a chemical Iso Propyl alcohol (Hand Sanitizer) is more important than the DDT to survive.

Men and Women are equally vulnerable to the corona virus but pandemic Covid19 makes a different impact on men and women. ILO report says that 41 percent of women were employed in sectors at high risk for job or working-hour losses from the pandemic, compared with 35 percent of men. Norms of the "Social Distance" deprived the services of Domestic help and childcare services to households. The whole burden of this shift to women. Covid19 doubled the burden for working women - "work from home" and "work for home". Furthermore, Mandatory stay at home rules and Economic uncertainty lead to the increase of Domestic violence on women. For the same reason, the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for a “ceasefire” to address the “horrifying global surge in domestic violence.”

While discussing the Covid19 impact on the wok and work culture, we must take note that Covid19 deprived the work of millions. Millions of people lost their livelihood from various strata of society. Lockdown and Quarantine comes at the enormous cost of displacing the most vulnerable— daily-wage earners, migrants and those in the informal sector. India imposed a long lockdown to ‘flatten the curve’ of covid19 but it also flattens the curve of the Economic mobility. In April 2020, International Labour Organization (ILO) claimed that about 400 million workers from India’s informal sector are likely to be pushed deeper into poverty due to Covid-19.

Quarantine and lockdown not just took a toll of livelihood but it's taking a huge toll of lives. In most of the countries, the covid19 curve is on decline but the workload on the health workers is increasing day by day. Prof Rory O'Connor said - "Doing nothing would risk a rise in conditions such as
anxiety and depression, and more people turning to alcohol, drugs and gambling, as well as other consequences, such as homelessness". WHO also recognised the mental health issues pertaining to Covid19 and issued the Guidelines and children book to address the issue.

But, it is not that covid19 made only a negative impact on our lives. Covid19 brought many positive things to the world. We all have been so fast living the "life", many of us have lost those genuine moments we have with our loved ones. Covid19 put a break from that "life'' and provided an opportunity to rethink about "life". As life slowed down, we have found ways to stay connected with people albeit virtually. Though the Covid19 is forced to maintain the "Social Distance", it's actually strengthening the "Social bonding". Families and friends have engaged over video calls and many have “met” members of their family more often during the lockdown than they otherwise do!

As we encounter the global pandemic of COVID-19, the importance of personal hygiene has come to the forefront. In 1896, Gandhi was visiting India and plague broke out in Bombay. He exhorted people to pay attention to hygiene. Year 2019 was the 150th Birth anniversary of our Father of Nation. Gandhiji used to say that "My life is my lesson". But unfortunately we didn’t learn a lesson from the life of Gandhiji but Covid19 taught us an important lesson of the importance of the cleanliness and hygiene.

Since the outbreak of the corona virus pandemic, there has been a general feeling that the world is at an historical turning point, that nothing will ever be the same again. Covid19 rekindled the debate over Nationalism, xenophobia, Isolation, Populism, Vegetarianism etc. Covid19 poses new Questions that - Will liberal world order survive? Will Globalization recede? Will the USA take leadership in the post covid19 era? Etc. But as this proverb of Gujarati says - "
ના જાણ્યું જાનકી નાથે કાલે સવારે શય થવાન ્યું (Even Lord Rama don’t know about future)", No one can predict about future especially in time of such uncertainty of the Covid19 pandemic.

But, As Rosa luxemberg has said "History is best teacher". In world traumatized by past pandemics, the clues to the future lie in the past. The world has managed extreme conditions before. Leaders of the 1940s learnt from their failure of the post First World War scenario which pushed the world into the Global economic recession of 1929 and Second World War. They started planning during the war. They knew that cooperation would be essential to rebuild. They build institutions like the World Bank, IMF and GAAT which are known as Bretton woods institutions.

Today, Covid19 poses threat to Exiting Global order and Institutions. Due to delay in Response of Covid19, legitimacy of WHO is in question. After the withdrawal of the USA, the survival of the WHO is in question. The UN secretary General has said "The COVID- 19 pandemic is the biggest challenge the world has faced since the Second World War". But UN's most powerful organ UNSC is still silent on the Covid19. G7 also becomes redundant as it does not include the two Asian tiger China and India. This all shows that Existing institutions are not capable of facing the challenge posed by the Covid19.

States have different views and opinions regarding the Post pandemic world order but there is a consensus that the world cannot afford the Hobbesian future defined by intensifying competition and narrow national self-interest. The Debate on the "Post pandemic world order" is as virulent as the corona virus today. Columnist have their own views about post pandemic world order - Some projected that the USA will regain position of hegemony, some may have projected the china led world order but What I think is the The Democracies which are economic powerhouse (other than USA) will write the rules of the new world order. Middle power states cannot afford to rely on the belligerent China and Reluctant USA to take leadership in the Post Pandemic world and they are likely to take responsibility for themselves.
G10 States- Roles of Japan, India, Germany, France, Canada, South Africa, Brazil, UK, South Korea and Australia will be predominant. G10 members interest converge over the rule base international trade which got disturbed by US-China trade war, Democratic values which is under threat due to rise of autocratic china and Peaceful coexistence which is threaten by nuclear race. India should take leadership to form such group. In this grouping, Indian places will be unique. India is the biggest population wise, second largest in economic size and only third Nuclear power state of club.

In Before Corona (B.C) Era, India was pressing for the permanent UNSC seat with G4, promoted the interest of the Global south with BRICS and G77 and with BASIC negotiated the climate agreements. In After corona (A.C) era, India should take initiative to form the G10 as the G10 include the member’s countries form North- South, Developed-Developing, Colonial and Colonist etc. In Geography wise, this group is most inclusive as it provides representation to each inhabiting continent. Such grouping in Post Pandemic world may provide an opportunity to India to write down the rules for the New Global order. It may fulfil the Vision of our founding fathers to see India as "Vishwaguru". (Global Leader)

COVID-19 is also putting the global economy into a tailspin. Many countries are heading for a very sudden and unprecedented recession. Covid19 pushed us to rethink and reset the equation of (1) Economic development and Environment (2) The Role of the state and market in Economy (3) Globalization & Self Dependency.
Neoliberalism is based on the unending human quest of the material things which led to unprecedented encroachment into the natural habitats of animals. It's not just coincidence that Spread of the zoonotic disease increased hand in hand with the spread of the Neoliberals' ideas across the world. As the WHO has noted, 70% of emerging human pathogens can be traced back to animals.

Covid19 has fully exposed why neoliberal economies are unfit to deal with a pandemic such Covid19. The USA, a firm believer in market economy has to declare the stimulus of $1200/month to Citizens having low income. Neoliberal models which have sought to turn public health into a commodity for profit bursted as the nation having strong public healthcare like Taiwan, New Zealand, and South Korea etc outperformed the USA, UK etc. Failure of Neoliberalism rekindles the debate over socialism but the obituary of socialism had been written with the disintegration of the USSR. The World needs a new Economic model.

Globalization is Another Asymptomatic Patient of the Covid19. Covid19 infected Globalization and Corona spread across the globe due to Globalization. Countries around the world are now responding by restricting the movement of people. State, the archival entity of globalization got empowered. TNCs reshaped their supply chain and tried to minimise their overseas dependency.

In Such a challenging time, India is lucky to have the legacy of Gandhiji's Ideas for the Economy. Core Gandhian ideals include swadeshi, self-reliance etc. have appeal in the unravelling economic conditions in Pandemic.

Under the spell of Neoliberalism, we all got engaged in the blind race of materialism. Covid19 opened our eyes and made us aware about our attachment towards nature. The people of Jalandhar (Punjab) overjoyed as they have seen the Himalayas from their rooftop after many years and so the People of Mumbai with news of return of pink flamingo in huge numbers. Gandhiji’s maxim that there is enough for everybody’s need but not for everyone's greed makes a lot of sense today. This Principles guide us to adopt policies that establish the balance between economic growth and ecological needs which will reduce the spread of zoonotic diseases like Covid19.

Coivd19 exposed the Mantra of "Global is new local". Mahatma Gandhi's concept of Gram Swaraj can be appreciated in the light of the corona virus pandemic. To Gandhiji, villages were the basic units of social organisation. Therefore, the villages should be self-sufficient in the matters of their vital requirements. Gandhiji's Idea of self-reliance is misunderstood as the Isolation; But Gandhi's Idea is about Minimising dependency and not isolation.

After 2008, when the financial crisis dented the USA model of Capitalism and turned the "American dream" into "Nightmare for the Globe", China took advantage of the Moment and Promoted its economic model of state led capitalism which is known as "Beijing consensus". Covid19 crisis created the same opportunity for India. India should embrace and promote the Gandhian Model of the Economy at home and aboard.

Covid19 blow the wind of the change across the globe which made devastating impact on whole globe and so on India. As the Chinese proverb says "When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills." This is moment for India to tap the wind of change into energy. For that, India has to reset its priorities, plan and policies.

Since the 1990s, we have been following the Neoliberal economic model which believes in a trickle down model of growth. It follows the mantra "Grow first, distribute later". But Covid19 exposed the weakness of this model. Television across the globe beamed the images of the Indian migrant labours walking thousands of kilometres on barefoot. At the same time, there was another class in society which was "Enjoying" lockdown by watching shows on Netflix and Amazon prime. India should seriously think about the minimum social security to all. Cash transfer of the Rs.6000 under PM Kisan is a good step in direction but it needs to expand and cover all women of India with Rs.12000 per annum.

India has to reset the equation between self-dependency and Globalization. Indian Political sovereignty is well established but economic sovereignty is compromised. An Example of that is a report of The Standing Committee on Commerce (Chair: Naresh Gujral) which pointed out that - In some cases, such as for life-saving drugs, the dependence on Chinese imports is 90%. It also pointed out that - 84% of the solar requirement of the National Solar Mission is met through imports from China. India has to set short term and long term policies to reduce overseas dependency for energy needs, Essential medical supply, Defence equipment and Digital Technology.

Coivd19 would not be last natural disaster, more such are looming pertaining to climate change. To make Indian economy and society resilient to shocks, India needs to reset her priorities. India is world's youngest nation today. To turn this demographic advantage into Human capital, India needs to strengthen its Public food distribution system, Health and Education.

Post Covid19 time is going to be challenging for everyone. How we will take up the challenge is upon us. Time Will Judge us. I like to conclude my essay with the Words of Sardar Patel which may provide inspiration to us and help to guide our path. "In tough times cowards look for excuses, brave people find a way"

